Анна Исаева

Найдите в тексте сказуемое в PRESENT SIMPLE ACTIVE VOISE?

The surface of the earth is the ground.A tree stands above the ground but its roots are under the ground.The roots get food for the tree out of the earth they also hold the tree to the ground when the wind blows.When a tree is young it is very small but it grows year after eyar.It gets taller and taller its trunk gets bigger and bigger its branches get longer and longer and there are more green leaves on its branches.
The leaves of trees arre green in summer. They get brown or red in autumn and then they fall to the ground when the wind blows.
But is spring new green leaves come out again on the branches and also pink or white blossoms which will give fruit later in summer or in autumn.

Vasliddin Saitov

come out

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