Огнёва Женя

Кто знает хорошо английский, не могли бы помочь?

Поставьте следующие существительные в форму множественного числа
a star, a tree, a shilling, a man, a potato, a photo,an eye, a shelf,a box,a city, a boy, a goose,a watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, a child,a life, a tomato,a tooth,a sheep.

2. заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу личными местоимениями в объективном падеже.
a) Take this book and read ...at home, please.
b) Is he going to speak to ...about his new work?
c) These are very god exercise-books. Where do you get...?
d) My sister knows English well. I often do my homework with ...
e) Read these words and learn ...well.
f) I don"t know ...What is his name?

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одной из временных форм: Present Progressive, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
a) Mother ( to cook ) a very tasty dinner yesterday.
b) Tomorrow Nick ( not to go ) to school.
c) Look! My friends ( to play ) football.
d) Kate ( not to write ) letters every day.
e) You ( to see ) your friend yesterday?
f) Where your mother ( to go ) tomorrow?
g) I" ( to spend ) last summer at the seaside.
h) What Mother ( to do ) now? - She ( to cook ) dinner.
i) My sister ( to wash ) the dishes every morning.
j) What ( to be ) the matter with her?

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Progressive, Present Simple или Past Simple.
a) They (to go ) to the Hermitage last week.
b) They ( to be ) to the Hermitage twice this week.
c) What the weather ( to be ) like? It still ( to rain ) ? -No, it already ( to stop ) raining.
d) Where Sergei ( to be ) ? -He ( to go ) home. He ( to leave ) the room a minute ago.
e) What you ( to read ) now ? -I ( to read ) " Jane Eyre " by Charlotte Bronte.
f) When you ( to write ) your composition ? -I ( to do ) it this morning.
g) Where ( to be ) your brother ? -He just ( to come ) home. He ( to take ) a shower in the bathroom now.
h) I ( to read ) still that boring book.
i) Usually he ( not to come ) late for his work.
j) Your sister ( to return ) from the North ? -Yes, she has. She ( to come ) a few days ago.

5. Задайте 5 ( пять ) вопросов к каждому предложению : общий, разделительный, альтернативный, к подлежащему или его определению, специальный к второстепенному члену предложения.
a) Ann is in her room now.
b) She is reading a newspaper.
c) Only one student has translated two English texts into Russian.
d) I will become a teacher soon.

6) Вставьте артикли : a ( an ), the или "-".
a) Tom is going to take ...his fishing-rod.
b) We often go to ...theatre or to ...cinema.
c) There is ...book on the table.
d) She is ...woman who wrote that book last year.
e) ...Earth goes round ...Sun.
f) Can you play ...piano?
g) I don"t like ...chocolate very mach.
h) Read this text at ...page 121.
i) Children go to ...school on ...first of September.
j) I have ...lot of children.

7. Образуйте и напишите английские предложения с правильным порядком слов. Переведите их на рус. язык.
a) him, give, to, cigarettes, his !
b) often, the cinema, the Browns, to, go.
c) the novel, much, I, very, liked.
d) the table, and, on, is, there, two, a book, pens.
e) tell, didn"t, me, you, the truth, why?
f) doing, men,what, those, are?
g) drink, coffee, I, usually, strong, don"t.

Юлия Мунтян
Юлия Мунтян

по таксе 250 руб. на счёт...

Александр Михайлов
Александр Михайлов

Немного самостоятельности и с переводчиком все получится, для этого не обязательно знать английский)
А написать сюда д\з это бестактно)

Марина Толстикова

Чет не неохота без вознаграждения)) )

Ну вот первое могу подогнать:

a star - stars
a tree - trees
a shilling - shillings
a man - men
a potato - potatoes
a photo - photos
an eye - eyes
a shelf - shelves
a box - boxes
a city - cities
a boy - boys
a goose - geese
a watch - watches
a mouse - mice
a dress - dresses
a toy - toys
a child - children
a life - lives
a tomato - tomatoes
a tooth - teeth
a sheep - sheep

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