Сархан Ализаде

Понимаю: домашнее задание нужно делать самому! но всё же, прошу помощи с английским...

Прошу, пожалуйста, помогите, если Вам это не доставит особых неудобств. . ну не задалось у меня с английским! ((

да, текст переведён тупо в переводчике!

“To quickly get used to good” - popular wisdom says... Indeed, from the very childhood we are already surrounded by all sorts of equipment, which improved very rapidly.
We from the very childhood, called friends on home phone to find out how they were watching TV, to find out what is happening in our world, and later, we began using the Internet to find out some information.
So why we turn to modern technology, when we need to know something, and not doing as many years our ancestors did: don't write letters, to learn, as the case with our friends and relatives living in other cities, don't read the Newspapers to find out what events took place in England or Australia for the last week, and less appeal to the wise books, looking for answers to their questions?
Why we prefer a short talk on the phone or Skype, the correspondence of the social network, traditional, and even, a little bit romantic correspondence with the help of mail? After all, the letter can be long keep and re-read, remembering his past, and nothing will ever replace those happy feelings, when after a long experiences and many-many exciting days, you find in their mailbox a letter from a close person, which is very long wait.
So why don't we helmet each other letters in the mail, don't read Newspapers, do not spend long evenings beside the book, and prefer it all to spend an evening next to her laptop, travel and the Internet? Just because today, with the help of a computer and the Internet you can do all that we need, not leaving from the house: and to find the necessary information and to communicate with other living very far away, and find out the latest news from around the world. Just like that, sitting on the couch in his room, we can for one moment do all that for which our grandmothers and grandfathers waited for so many months, and were long distances.
Modern technology, it is strongly entered into our life, everything was so fast, affordable and convenient, that we can no longer imagine how we can do without your favorite computer of the Internet!


стой если ты переводил в переводчике то впринцыпе всё правильно. Но смотри я короче один раз переводил тоже в переводчике и там были слова которые я со своей училкой еще не проходил так вместо 11 балов она мне 8 влепила! Будь осторожна

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