
Напишите любой рецепт на англиском с переводом и как его читать?? ? Пожалуйста очень нужно***

Кобра Наталья @-@-@ К

Do you remember the ingredients to “Tortilla Book”? You do? There was an onion, one, finely chopped. A green pepper, half, diced. Mushrooms - eight, chopped into slices. Garlic, one clove, finely chopped. Kidney beans, one two-hundred-gram can. Tomatoes one two-hundred-gram can, chopped tomatoes. Mixed herbs - half a teaspoon. Oil - one tablespoon. And for the decoration of the book, cherry tomatoes, one, cut in half. Cucumber - one slice. Chives - one stem. Another pepper, a quarter, cut into slices. And tortillas, two. Let’s get started. So, the first thing we need to do is heat some oil in the frying pan. And then we are going to fry the onions, the pepper, the mushrooms, in they go, the garlic (this is going to smell lovely), and the mixed herbs for about five minutes. And remember, this is the job for you grown-up helper to do, because it’s a Hob Job and the Hob is hot, hot, hot. Hey, look, I’ve found another book. And I’m sure I haven’t read this one before. How exciting! Let’s have a look. Um, this smells good! So, now I can put in the kidney beans and the tomatoes, stir them in. Oh, this smells great! Stir them all in and then we can leave them to cook for about ten minutes. How are you doing, Small? I’ve found another book I took out from the library and it’s great. It’s about flowers. Oh, no! What’s the matter, Small? Look, the book is due back today! I better finish it as quickly as possible. Good idea, Small. So, whilst the mixture is cooking and Small is reading his book, we are going to get on with making the cover of Libbie the Librarian’s book. So, I’m going to cut two square shapes in the tortilla, using a blunt table knife to make the front and back covers of the book. I’ve finished! That was brilliant! Well, at least it will go back to the library, Small it will be one less book to prop up. There we are. The tortillas are ready now.

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