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1. The task of the police was to find the thief and recover the stolen property. 2. The first person to be interviewed was the eye-witness of the road accident. 3. In order to begin prosecution it is necessary to have evidence establishing the fact of the commission of the crime. 4. The expert supposes that both crimes might have been committed by the same person. 5. To pass a just verdict the court examines all the circumstances of the crime. 6. The case was to be considered as soon as possible. 7. It is the duty of the government to maintain law and order. 8. Is there anything else we ought to discuss? 9. The problem was too complicated to solve it within two hours. 10. I beg to inform me of the details of the case.
1. The case must have been considered by now . 2. When the case is too serious for the magistrates to deal with it themselves, they hear evidence about it and then send the case to be tried in the Crown Court where there is a jury. 3. The victim of the crime if he alive or conscious is the first person to be interviewed. 4. The main aim of the government is to maintain peace and security in the region. 5. Everyone has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty. 6. The barrister was glad to have been asked to train law students. 7. All major decisions of the Government must be made by the Cabinet. 8. The members of the jury have to decide only the questions of fact.

Anastasia Bambola

1. to find ...and recover - Indefinite Active; именная часть составного именного сказуемого
2. to be interviewed - Indefinite Passive; определение
3. to begin - Indefinite Active; обстоятельство цели; to have - Indefinite Active; подлежащее
4. have been committed - Perfect Passive; часть составного глагольного сказуемого
5. To pass - Indefinite Active; обстоятельство цели
6. to be considered - Indefinite Passive; именная часть составного именного сказуемого
7. to maintain - Indefinite Active; определение
8. to discuss - Indefinite Active; дополнение
9. to solve - Indefinite Active; часть составного глагольного сказуемого

1. have been considered - Perfect Passive; часть составного глагольного сказуемого
2. to deal - Indefinite Active; часть составного глагольного сказуемого; to be tried - Indefinite Passive; обстоятельства цели
3. to be interviewed - Indefinite Passive; определение
4. to maintain - Indefinite Active; именная часть составного именного сказуемого
5. to be presumed - Indefinite Passive; определение
6. to have been asked - Perfect Passive; часть составного глагольного сказуемого; to train - Indefinite Active; дополнение
7. be made - Indefinite Passive; часть составного глагольного сказуемого
8. to decide - Indefinite Active; часть составного глагольного сказуемого

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. Определите форму и функцию инфинитива и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. In the middle of the 19th century the colonial policy of the British Government was to transform Australia into a producer of cheap wool and meat for Britain.
2. In order to begin prosecution it is necessary to have evidence establishing the fact of the commission of the crime.
3. The case was to be considered as soon as possible.
4. One of the basic problems to be solved by criminological research is how the social structure effects human behavior.
5. The duty of the state is to provide education to all its citizens

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