Юрий Мотр.
Юрий Мотр.

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Sahib Abidov91
Sahib Abidov91

George Washington - Founding Father of the United States, commander in chief of the Continental Army, a member of the War of Independence, the founder of the American Institute prezidentstva.Rodilsya family landowner. Was educated at home, was fond of reading books. At age 11, lost his father. Worked as a surveyor, took part in the expeditions of Lord Fairfax. In 1752, inherited the estate of Mount Vernon, in the same year joined the militia, took part in military operations against the French and Indians, he was a prisoner. In 1758, he retired with the rank of colonel. In 1759, Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis, and actively engaged in furnishing his estate, has become one of the wealthiest planters of Virginia.
In the years 1758-1774, Washington was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Virginia, which fought with the mother for the rights of the colonies, condemning, however violent. Was one of the delegates to the First Continental Congress. After fighting with the UK, not to attempt reconciliation, dressed in military uniform and was unanimously elected commander of the Continental Army. Reorganizing the army, he led them to the actions of the siege of Boston in 1776, until the surrender of the British forces at Yorktown in 1781. In November 1783, after the conclusion of the Treaty of Paris, resigned and retired to Mount Vernon estate.
Dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation, Washington was elected president of the Constitutional Convention, developed in the 1787 Constitution of the United States. In 1789, George Washington was unanimously elected the first president of the United States. In 1792 he was re-elected for a second term. As head of state, helped to strengthen the Union and of the principles of the Constitution and the construction of the capital of the United States. Engaged in the formation of the central authorities and the management system, to set a precedent of the presidential institution, encourage economic development. Maintained friendly relations with Congress. In 1794, the first ever crushed an uprising against the U.S. government. In foreign policy, to avoid interference in the affairs of European states. Declined to run for president for the third time. Before leaving, addressed the nation with a farewell message.
After leaving the presidency, Washington retired to Mount Vernon, frequented the newly built capital. Congress has appropriated the title of Father of the Fatherland Washington. During the exacerbation of relations with France in the summer of 1798, Washington was appointed commander of a symbolic army. In the night of 14 to 15 December 1799, Washington died. December 18 was buried at Mount Vernon.
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