Любовь Чиненова

Проверьте правильно ли написано эссе

If I could only use one of the followings: a PC, a cellphone or a fridge
which one would I choose?
That’s a really hard question for consideration, and it’s also a strange
one because I wouldn’t put in one row electronic gadgets such as computer and
mobile phone that meant for some projection and designing problems solving and a
fridge which was created for domestic demands, particularly, for foodstuff
If it is talked about being lost and left on an uninhabited island I would pick
a fridge. But I need it just if it was an exotic island with hot climate.
Otherwise, I mean, at permanent cold weather, I don’t need a fridge for food
If the use of one of those doesn’t mean leaving civilized comfortable life,
possibly I would choose a fridge anyway, because I need to control the food not
to go off. But that choice only relates to my today’s situation.
If I were a businessman, a politician, a manager of some company, or even a
student, I wouldn’t be able to live without a cellphone and a computer. Those
are an integral part of busy people’s life. In case they don’t have a
refrigerator such people can store food at another cold place or even eat always
out. That’s why, possibly, the most important thing in their life must be a
mobile phone. Imagine one of the days of those. If they are hungry they can
commonly have lunch at café. And now think about what they would do if they lost
their cellular phone. That means complete chaos and horror.
I should mention again that this topic is kind of strange. I would probably
get confused if I had a problem like this.
Everyone has its own opinion. Somebody may not agree with me, but this is
my view.

Shanov_Alexey Шанов

я поражаюсь вашей грамотности

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