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In the middle of the 8th century, eldest son Ismail of the 6th imam Jafar Sadyk who was his successor died.Therefore his younger son Musa al-Kazim became his successor. However part of Shiites ( Ismaelians) disagreed with this decision and continued to consider Ismail as the 7th and last imam who returns they expected.
In the middle of the 9th century from a community of Ismaelians, a group, which was founded by scientific theologian Abu Shuaib Mohammed ibn Nusayr separated. This group began to be called as nusayrity.Only in the 19th century, the French administration entered into use other name "Alevi", by name Caliph Ali who is deeply esteemed by nusayrity.

Alevism is a Islamic religious direction, branch or sect, standing on border between an extreme Shiism and separate religion. Some Muslim theologians consider that Alevi broke away from a Shiism and departed in the views and religious practice from Islamic direction very far and can not be considered as part of Islam. Alevism is a mix of Islam, Christianity and pre-Islamic east beliefs.
The term "alavi" is used for designation several independent, Muslim sects.For this reason Turkish and Syrian Alevi are different religions. Between this religions does not exist general roots and general religious practice.

Елена !
Елена !

In the middle of the 8th century, the eldest son Ismail of the 6th imam Jafar Sadyk, who was his successor, died. Therefore, his younger son Musa al-Kazim became his successor. However, part of Shiites (Ismaelians) disagreed with this decision and continued to consider Ismail as the 7th and last imam, whose return they were expecting.
In the middle of the 9th century, a group, founded by scientific theologian Abu Shuaib Mohammed ibn Nusayr, separated from the community of Ismaelians. This group was named Nusayrity. Only in the 19th century, the French administration gave it a new name of Alevi, after Caliph Ali, who is deeply esteemed by Nusayrity.
Alevism is an Islamic religious direction, branch or sect, positioning somewhere between extreme Shiism and a separate religion. Some Muslim theologians believe that Alevi broke away from Shiism and moved in their views and religious practices a long way away from Islam, and that Alevism can not be considered as part of Islam. Alevism is a mix of Islam, Christianity and pre-Islamic East beliefs.
The term "alavi" is used to designatie several independent Muslim sects. For this reason, Turkish and Syrian Alevi are different religions. There are no common roots of these two religions and they do not share common religious practices,

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