Марина Дмитревская

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This interesting biography in russian deals with the man, who is referred to by the russians as the father of russian physiology.
Born in 1829, I.M.Sechenov belongs to that group of scientists who are the true glory of Russia’s science. This group includes such names as.
D.I.Mendeleey, A.P.Beketov, A.O.Kovalevsky I.I.Mechnikov.
On his Graduation from the University of Moscow, he spent several years abroad. While working in the laboratory of C.Bernard, Sechenov made the important observation that there existed in the brain of a frog special mechanisms capable of inhibiting reflexes proceeding from the spinal cord. This was a discovery of a special physiologic function of the brain. His researches were published in 1863 under the title “ Reflexes of the brain”. Somewhat later he published ‘Physiology of the nerves system” , in which he developed the hypothesis that all conscious and subconscious acts are in their essence reflexes. This was a starling idea for the time, namely that psychic life with all ist manifold manifestations is activated and maintained by stimuli which the organism receives from outside as well an with stimuli originating within the organism. Sechenov argued that loss of sensory stimuli or loss of sensations would render psychic life in possible. The principal cause of every act of a human being is to be found outside of him, his environment.
He arrived at a further conclusion that sensory stimuli need not necessarily be manifested by a motor act or any other external manifestation because the organism possesses nervous centers capable of inhibiting reflexes. This conclusion finds basis in his discovery that in the brain of a frog there exist special nervous centers which stimulated, will inhibit the development of reflex activities.This capacity for the elaboration of external manifestation of the reflex mechanism Sechenov considers the most important acquisition by man constituting in fact the basis of that complicated process, which referred to as thought, intention, desire. Thought, according to Sechenov, is a reflex in its conception and its continuation but without the terminal act which is expressed in motion.
The researches of Sechenov laid the foundation for the work of the pavlov school. Pavlov himself stated that sechenov’s “Reflexes of the brain” constituted the starting point of the researches of his own school. The essential similarity and kinship in the work of Seshenov and Pavlov Is that for both the formulation of the most the complex acts of so called psychic activity
Depends on the environment. The Study of the higher nervous activity were the result of constant correlation between the organism and its environment. Both man stressed the objective physiologic method in the investigation complicated psychic phenomena.

Сергей Рыжов

Born, spent, made, was, laid. Это неправильные глаголы из текста, стоящие в прошедшем простом времени (Past Simple). Вопрос сформулирован непонятно, поэтому и задание выполнено абы как.


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