
Помогите пожалуйста определить причастие, герундий, независимый причастный оборот

1.Having passed all examinations the students went home.
2.The girl writing on the blackboard is our best student.
3.Dinner being over, we assembled in the drawing-room.
4.The children like to listen to the tales told by the nurse. They insisted on going to the South in summer.
5.He is proud of having spoken to this outstanding person.


1. Having passed all examinations the students went home.
Adverbial Participial Construction, Participle I, Perfect Active
2. The girl writing on the blackboard is our best student.
Adverbial Participial Construction, Participle I, Indefinite Active
3. Dinner being over, we assembled in the drawing-room.
Absolute Participial Construction, Participle I, Indefinite Passive
4. The children like to listen to the tales told by the nurse. They insisted on going to the South in summer.
Participle II
5. He is proud of having spoken to this outstanding person.
Gerund, Perfect Active

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