Александра Мансурова

Как правильно употребить have, been, to ?

Вот есть пара предложений и вариантов, что и где будет правильным, и почему?
У меня свои предположения, но хотелось бы именно объяснений почему

1. Unions and legislators in many communities continue ...for always limiting exposure to video screens
to push
to have been pushed
to be pushed

2. ..unhealthy side effects he increased distance from the eyes to the screen and installed radiation protection devices (a glare reflector)
to have been avoided
to be avoded
to avoid

3. Most systems use account numbers and passwords ...acess to authorized users.
to be restricted
to have been restricted
to restrict

4. Unauthorized persons ...at obtaining any information and using it for tgeir own benefit.
has proved to adept
proves to have adept
have proved to be adept

5. People who expirience fear of computer .. that only a person with strong analytical and quantiative skills can use the machine
seems to be suggested
seem to suggest
is seemed to have suggested

Диля Абдиева

1 to be pushed
2. to avoid
3. to restrict
4.have proved to be adept
5.seem to suggest

Серега Казак
Серега Казак

ежели ты не в курсе - употреби безотказность ...)

Антон Суворов

1 - 3
2 - 1
3 - 3
4 - 3
5 - 2

Х/з. Прсото просто по смыслу. В некоторых вариантах можно 2 ответа выбрать.

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Funds have been picked up.