Антон Юмаев
Антон Юмаев

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I called my artwork "Omsk". I named it after my city. I used collage technique. There were utilized magazines press clipping, polyvinyl acetate glue, whatman paper. The size is A3. I was looking through magazines pictures. And I founded well-known view. It was blush grey multistorey building that I placed at the background of my work. It reminded me about the situation that I recently noticed have to be existence. A lot of my contemporaries in Omsk are constant stressing as a result of dissatisfaction of their life. All judgments reduce to the opinion to move abroad or in Moscow or in Sant-Petersburg. There are the monkey, the man in blue suit and the bird that pesonifling citizens of Omsk and another familliar cities. The artwork is assymetrical. The left side is outbalanced. All characters portraied in the artwork look to the right side where is placing sun lighting wall. They look there because it gives them a hope for a better life somewhere outside their city.


I called my artwork "Omsk" after my city. It is made in the collage technique using clippings from old magazines, polyvinyl acetate glue and Whatman paper. Its size is A3. While looking through pictures in the magazines I found a well-known view of a blush-grey multi-storey building. I placed it at the background of my work.
С такими просьбами надо приводить исходный текст на русском, а то не совсем понятно, что хотелось сказать.

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