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Нужна помощь по английскому языку (7 класс, Present Perfect)

Здравствуйте! Мне нужна ваша помощь! Нужно 8 троек предложений (+,-,) (естественно на англ. , время Present Perfect) с неправильными глаголами.

Мария Нургалиева

I have already read the textHave you read the text?I have not read the textHe has just done his homeworkHe has not done his homeworkHas he done his homework?We have just bought a new book. We have not bought a new book. Have you bought a new book? I have met her. Have I met her? I have not met her. I have known her for ten years. I have not known her for ten years. Have you known her for ten years?


[ссылка появится после проверки модератором] помощь по английскому и немецкому для всех 🙂

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