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Здравствуйте, написал сочинение по англ. языку, не могли бы вы пробежаться глазами на счет наличия ошибок? )
И один небольшой вопрос, правильно ли я сказал! ?
In conclusion I want to say you that jurisprudence - is one of the sciences which is study of lifelong.
Юриспруденция - одна из наук, которая изучается на протяжении всей жизни.
The main thing - to have a true calling to this and be prepared for a long and hard work.
Главное - иметь истинное призвание к этому и быть готовым к долгой и тяжелой работы.
А теперь, собственно само сочинение:
Hello, Now I want to tell you about opportunities in career in law.
Let's start to talk about me. Now I'm a first year student.
I changed my planes several times about what want to be but I have chosen studies of law. That means I want to be a lawyer or to work some kind of judical work.
I think that a legal education can provide you with considerable opportunity.
Profession of the lawyer is one of the oldest and noble professions.
He is responsible to use laws to help people to live safely and comfortably.
As our laws are so complex, the work of Lawyers and Judges is very significant.
The profession of law is held in high esteem and its members have played an enviable role in public life.
А graduate from the law faculty mау choose his place of work and occupation from a number of possible ones.
Не may bе an advocate in court or а judge at the Law Court when he will have a great work experience.
Не сan bе а prosecutor or a prosecutor’s assistant at the Prosecutor's Office.
Не саn also bе а notary at the notary office or а legal adviser at аn enterprise оr legal advice office.
Furthermore, one should not forget that he can work аn investigator at the Prosecutor’s Office оr in the organs of the militia and not only.
Many people say that the legal profession is not claimed because now there is an overabundance of this profession.
But I think that it's false. I don't agree with them because it's a well-known fact that if the person works and studies diligently, he will achieve a lot in his life.
In conclusion I want to say you that jurisprudence - is one of the sciences which is study of lifelong.
The main thing - to have a true calling to this and be prepared for a long and hard work.

As for me, I will try to do my best in studying law to become a professional lawyer

Макс M@razm

The main thing IS to have a true calling to this and be prepared for a long and hard work.
Подлежащее и сказуемое не опускаются.

Ольга Смирнова

which is studied of lifelong

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