
5 вопросов (англ. язык) проверьте пожалуйста! :(:(:(:(:(:(: cрочно

Здравствуйте, даны 5 предложений, нужно было составить вопросы к ним, вроде бы сделал, но не уверен, что правильно. не могли бы вы проверить? )

1)"contract law" This course covers the fundamental principles governing the formation, interpretation, performance, and enforcement of contracts.

what basic principles of contract law is covered?

2)Some attention will also be given to the Uniform Commercial Code.

In what law some attention also covers the uniform commercial code?

3) "criminal law": This course presents the basic concepts of criminal law. Crimes against persons, property, and public administration are covered, with special emphasis placed upon the law of homicide.

In what law crimes against persons are mentioned?

4)"constitutional law" : This course covers the general principles of federal constitutional law, iclnuding government authority and its distribution under the constitution;

What law is covered to government authority and its distribution under the constitution?

5)"legal research and writing" : This course is designed to acquaint students with the nature of legal research.

In what law the main task is acquaint students with the nature of legal research?

Uktam Uktam
Uktam Uktam

с исправлениями:
2. What will attention be given to?
3. Where are crimes against persons metionded?
4. What does this course cover?
и добавлениями:
What basic principles of contract law are covered in this course?
What will be given some special attention?
What basic concepts of criminal law are presented in the course?
Are principles of federal constitutional law covered in this course?
What is this course designed for?

Наталья Мардиева

1. What basic principles does this course cover?
2. What will be attention be given to?
3. Where are crimes against persons are metionded?
4. What does this course covers?
5. What is this course meant for?

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