Иван Ткаченко

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more and more people want to live somewhere special and out of the
ordinary, and if they cannot buy wnat they want they are quite
prepared to build it it from scratch. That's why you can see so many
different interesting and eccentric houses in our modern world.

of all I would like to tell you about a real castle of John Mew and
his wife Josephine. Their home is located in the Sussex countryside,
it looks as an ancient monument. The building has a lot of the
features of a traditional castle a keep, a moat and a drowbridge.
John and Josepnine considered that thier home is unique and spacious,
but some people think that this castle is impractical for harsh
British winters.

second unusual home is a home of Jonathan Ridley Jones and Shanon
Ridd. Their home is a converted undeground water tank. That's why you
might not even see this home. Owners of the home think that living
below ground has advantages a quiet, a cosiness, very low fuel bills
and no draughts. Also this type of home doesn't damage the local
surrondings. Of course not all people can understand this choice of
house. Such people think that inside of this house is very dark, and
they cannot easy to breathe.

next home in my list is a tree house of Dan Garner. Dan is so happy
with his practical extansion to his home and dream to convince
people that they can build this home and go up in the world. Three
house is very airy, secure and comfortable, there is only one
disadvantage: it is not suitable for people who suffer from hay fever
or a fear of heights.

last but not least home is Bill Heines' house. Until one morning in
1986 his house looked usuallu like others in his street, when
suddenly overnight a 7.5 m long fibreglass shark appered to have
crashed through the roof. It was a sculpture by local artist John
Buckley. As it usually happens not all people liked this decoration
of the street, moreover they thought that it might be dangerous, but
engineers could explain people that the sculpture was safe. So the
Headington shark has become a well-wnown landmark.

there are a lot of unique houses unfortunately I cannot tell you
about every one. In conclusion I would like to say it is so awesome
that people build such houses and decorate our world.

Даша Тарева

если ты потом на хирурга будешь учится то я лучше подохну в муках на кровати дома.

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