Алексей Шульгин

помогите с английским топиком нужно сравнить белорусскую и английскую кухню

Виталий Донос

Classic British dishes include: sandwiches, fish and chips, pies (Cornish
pasty), Yorkshire pudding, trifle and roast dinners. The staple foods of
England are meat, fish, potatoes, flour, butter and eggs. Many
traditional dishes are based on these foods, as Belarus are based on these foods too.
England has always been regarded as a nation of Beefeaters and most of its
famous dishes are centered around it. The same in Belarus. Roast beef in particular and Yorkshire pudding have long been the country’s traditional Sunday
English people also love French and Italian cooking. It’s incredibly popular
here. But it’s the Indian cuisine, first brought to Britain in the days of the Raj, t Indian take-aways can be found all over the UK and are a favourite stop off
point after a few pints of beer, especially at the week-end.
English cuisine has suffered a bad reputation over the years. It has frequently
been accused of being heavy and bland. Strange sounding dishes like
Bubble & Squeak and Toad-in-the-Hole, probably haven’t helped
Nowadays British cooking like the Belaruse one is widely regarded as some of the tastiest in the world and London has developed a reputation as one of the world’s greatest dining cities.

All over the UK, British cooking has been rediscovered and reinvented.
Instead of looking for new recipes, cooks are proving that, when made
skillfully and with good ingredients, generations-old recipes beloved by
the Brits, are delicious and comforting.

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