Eлена Сорокина
Eлена Сорокина

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How live on a very small island with a mild climate and a history of centuries of efficient road - building. this is partly because we have excellent road - building materials. We rarely have severe winter frosts that damage the roads very much, and we do not normally sufferfrom heat, drought or flooding.

About 44% of the population spend time gardining. The climate is ideal. Most of us do not to grow vegetables, but home - grown vegetables taste better than those in shops. We also grown flowers and have a passion for lawns of grass which stay green throughout the year.

It was the British who started the faschion for seaside holidays. Not surprisingly, nobody in britain lives more than one hundred and twenty kilometres from the sea. The nearest holiday area of France is only three or four hundread kilometres away. Many families prefer to drive to the warm south and camp in comfortable campsites. Spain is also popular. It offers a wonderful climate.


How to live on a very small island with a mild climate?
Population spend time gardining. The climate is ideal.People grow flowers.
Many families prefer to drive to the warm south .
France, Spain are popular. They offer a wonderful climate.

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