Ильфак Асадуллин
Ильфак Асадуллин

Помогите перевести)))

By David M. Malone,
a former Canadian
ambassador to the UN

New York
The United States didn’t need the United Nations going into Iraq, but it
may need the United Nations to get out. Otherwise, how can a legitimate
Iraqi government be established when the shooting stops?
America is an improbable midwife for an acceptable Iraqi govern-
ment. U.S. motives in installing such a government will be questioned
throughout the country.
The U.S. feed and kill policy – throwing bombs in Baghdad and throwing
food at the people – is not winning hearts and minds of the Iraqi people.
So the United States will be obliged to seek UN help in convening
discussions among Iraqis on an interim political framework and constitu-
tional models for the future.
More importantly, without the blessing of the UN Council it will be
difficult for some countries to help participate in, or pay for, the recon-
The United Nations, whose very existence was brought into question
at the outbreak of hostilities, may come out of this difficult experience
more relevant then ever – but in different ways

Юлия Лебедева

Выдели текст щёлкни правой кнопкой мыши, в меню выбери или "словари" или "перевести выделенное".

Дмитрий Хрюстов
Дмитрий Хрюстов

Переводческие услуги стоят денег.
У нас тариф невысокий -1,5 евроцента за один печатный знак, включая пробелы между словами.
Надбавки за сложность, научность исходного текста оговариваем при заключении договора.
Бесплатно удовлетворяет свою любовную страсть котик с кошечкой.
Дуй в раздел языки, лингвистика - там спецы с двумя дипломами.
А здесь тусуются любители погноить Путина, Россию и т. п.

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