Мария Великанова

Помогите перепести текст в прошедшее время

1847,February 11 - born in the USA,State Ohio.
1854 (age of 7) - goes to school,his formal schooling is limited to three months,he is not thought of as a clever boy at school,there after is tutored by his mother,develops into an avid reader.
1859 (age of 12) - becomes a train boy on the Great Trunk Railroad,selling magazines and candy.
1862 (age of 15) - becomes a manager of a telegraph office produces his first inventions - the transmitter and the receiver of the automatic telegraph.
1878 - begins work on electric light,founds The Edison Electric Light Company.
1879 - demonstrates a lamp that glows for 40 hours.
1882 - establishes the worlds first central electric light power station in New York City.
during his life - makes over 100 inventions which contributed a lot to the development of science and technology,his invention are rapidly spread all over the world,his inventions are beneficial for the human society,his greatest achievements are the invention of:
1.electric light
2.the phonograph for recording sound ( the invention he was most proud of)
3.equipment for the cinema
4.electric light power station
1931 - dies

Андрей Паршин
Андрей Паршин

во-первых, это не текст, а просто набор дат и событий. перепишите их, напишите на их основе текст, а потом переводите в прошедшее время.

Николай Моложон
Николай Моложон

Thomas Alva Edison was born on the 11th of February, in the USA, State Ohio.
In 1854 at the age of 7 he went to school, but his formal schooling was limited to three months, because he was not thought of as a clever boy at school; so, he was tutored by his mother. Edison recalled later, "My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint." His mother taught him at home. Edison developed into an avid reader. Much of his education came from reading R.G. Parker's School of Natural Philosophy.
In 1859 at the age of 12 Edison became a train boy on the Great Trunk Railroad. He sold candy and newspapers on trains running from Port Huron to Detroit.
In 1862 at the age of 15 he became a manager of a telegraph office and produced his first inventions - the transmitter and the receiver of the automatic telegraph.
In 1878 T.A. Edison began to work on electric light and the same year he founded The Edison Electric Light Company. In 1879 he demonstrated a lamp that glowed for 40 hours.
In 1882 Edison established the worlds first central electric light power station in New York City.
During his life Edison made over 100 inventions which contributed a lot to the development of science and technology. His inventions were rapidly spread all over the world, they were beneficial for the human society.
His greatest achievements were the invention of electric light, the phonograph for recording sound (the invention he was most proud of), equipment for the cinema, electric light power station.
The great inventor died in 1931.

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