Ольга Юлинова

Помогите заполнить пропуски артиклями

1.My sister is… teacher in…school near… London. She has three children, two girls and…boy. …. girls are in her class at school.
2. I come to school by bus. This morning…bus was late.
3. We arrived in …Paris on …third of August.
4. Last night we had… dinner in… restaurant.
5. We had …lovely holiday in…Spain.
6. Yesterday I bought… blouse and … skirt. …blouse was very expensive but …skirt was cheap.
7. Tom is… best player in our football team.

Lestrigon Lestrigon

The sister is…a teacher in…the school near… London. She has three children, two girls and…a boy. The…. girls are in her class at school.
2. I come to school by bus. This morning the…bus was late.
3. We arrived in …Paris on …the third of August.
4. Last night we had…a dinner in a… restaurant.
5. We had …a lovely holiday in…Spain.
6. Yesterday I bought a… blouse and …a skirt. The…blouse was very expensive but the…skirt was cheap.
7. Tom is…the best player in our football team.

Денис Ким

работа над ошибками:
1. My sister is a teacher in a school near London. a school near London - одна из школ
(неизвестная читателю) около Лондона
4. Last night we had dinner in a restaurant. to have dinner - обедать/ужинать
a dinner - какой-то званый обед/приём - we don't have them. We either organise them or are invited

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