Аленка Ефимова

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My friend and I often go to....theatre to see....new performances. We like going to....theatre on Saturday nights.
Last Saturday I finished....work at 3 o'clock and went home. I had ...dinner and sat down in....easy-chair to read....newspaper. In half....hour I decided to go for a walk. It was....wonderful day....air was cold. There was....lot of snow in ...streets. I had....nice walk and at ...quarter to six I came back. I phoned my friend and we decided to go to....theatre. We wanted to see ...new performance at....Art Theatre.

Екатерина Николаева

Есть решебники в интернете, но если тебе лень проверить, то можешь воспользоваться моими знаниями английского (возможны ошибки)
My friend and I often go to the theatre to see new performances. We like going to the theatre on Saturday nights.Last Saturday I finished work at 3 o'clock and went home. I had a dinner and sat down in easy-chair to read a newspaper. In half to hour I decided to go for a walk. It was wonderful day air was cold. There was a lot of snow in the streets. I had a nice walk and at a quarter to six I came back. I phoned my friend and we decided to go to the theatre. We wanted to see new performance at the Art Theatre.

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