
Помогите продолжить предложения по английскому)

1.had the storm not raged so furiously, the ships...
2. had i known how dangerous this journey was...
3 if printing hads not been invented...
4 i should go and live in the tropies...
5 india would be a delightful country to live in...
6 he would not have wished to be rich, if...

Людмила Дроздова

1.had the storm not raged so furiously, the ships would not have sunk
2. had i known how dangerous this journey was I would stay in my safe home
3 if printing hads not been invented I would have to handwrite this text
4 i should go and live in the tropies (непонятно где жить, может опечатка? )
5 india would be a delightful country to live in if it weren't so poor
6 he would not have wished to be rich, if he knew the consequenceses

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