Лана Беликова

помогите с иностранным языком) плииз.)

Константин Ключкин

Думаю, что так сойдет.
1. The cat's eyes are green. 2. Children's toys in a large box. 3. My father's birthday in May. 4. And what a coincidence! This is a favorite cake and my mom. 5. I love books my husband. 6. What is the name of that young man? 7. He showed me a letter to his sister. 8. She skates vsyaza his brother. 9. Give me a notebook of your students. 10. Bring things children. 11. Yesterday, the children found a bird's nest. 12. It is a family friend of mine. My friend's father - an engineer. My friend's mother - a teacher. 13. Whose is this bag? - This bag is Tom. 14. Whose dictionaries? - This is a dictionary students. 15. You've seen the book of our teachers? 16. I like writing this boy. 17. I hear the voice of my sister. 18. She opened the window and heard the laughter and cries of children. 19. She put wet boots boys to the stove. 20. This is Grandma's chair. 21. I believe that the answer of this great student. 22. My husband knows a lot of novels. 23. On Sunday, Diana had a birthday. 24. Last night we were watching TV in the house of my friend. 25. Lisa's dog jumped into the pool with us.

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