Кылычбек Исмаилов
Кылычбек Исмаилов

Помогите пожалтста соченить на английськом языке соченение на тему якбы я стал милионером.

Юрий Сизов


I would pay tithing, and put the rest of the money in the bank and live off the interest. If there was enough, I might quit my job and write full-time. I might buy a house with a room I could use as a library and pay for college for my brothers and sisters and friends... if there were some left over I would buy houses for other people and maybe set up a scholarship for people who wanted to go to college but were having a hard time affording it. I might go on a trip to England, because I have always wanted to go, and it would be heaven because even when people say mean things... with that accent, it sounds great. 🙂 Maybe I would open a used book store, or a game store, or a combination of the two. I could have story time for kids at my book store, and tables in the back for people to play the games at my game store. If I were rich enough, people who came into my store and wanted something, but couldn't quite afford it, but just admired it... I would give it to them, and they would smile, and that would be worth everything.

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