М - V

Пастернак. Какой у него вкус (на что похож)? Как его готовят и с чем его едят?

Александра Сороковикова

что-то среднее между петрушкой и морковью

Алла *******
Алла *******

Поэт он и вкуса никакого - сырое мясо и всё

Евгений Шмендель

Похож вкусом и применением на корневую петрушку

Игорь Гапоненко

На вид белый корень, форма зависит от сорта, на запах-почти как морковь, в отличии от моркови--корень более "деревянный", более жесткий в сыром виде. Очень полезен. употреблять можно во все первые блюда: борщ, суп. солянку, уху. Закладывать варить вместе с мясом, морковью и буряком-так как долго варится, мы не зажариваем никогда--так полезнее, вкуснее и быстрее.

Ирина Салахова

Как всякая пряность, на любителя он, много не съешь. А вот для мужской силы нашел применение в народе.

Катеринка Сачкова

Кто тут про морковь говорит? Похож он на корень петрушки. Применяется для ароматизации бульонов и мясных блюд


(1) Once upon a time there was a state where the "weakness" in the man began to eradicate even from the cradle, and right from the moment of birth. (2) I remember how fascinated me as a child severe and proud romance of ancient Sparta. (B) I like everything in this amazing country: the fact that the weak children were thrown off a cliff, and the mother-Spartan accompanied her son to war is not the tears, and the beautiful, aphoristic sentence: "With your shield or on", and that a small Spartan pronёsshy school under his shirt live lisёnka not cry and did not cry when the small animal bites into his body. (4) The boy died - but in silence! (5) 3nachitelno later I asked myself one question: why is the history of Sparta was so poor - but the war slave revolt? (B) Why is a state where the main prowess was considered resistance, yet failed to hold out? (7) Why did the Spartans, who are ready to fight, and only to fight, still suffered a defeat in this fight? (8) Gradually, I realized that everything was natural. (9) Courageous Sparta died from his own mediocrity. (10) In this country with a planned bureaucratic killed immediately after birth geniuses. (11) The chasm threw feeble and non-standard, that is, those who in the future would simply have to oppose flawless manliness surrounding the power of mind and strength of spirit. (12) Those who unbearable heaviness of the sword inevitably be pushed to the cutter, ruler and pen. (13) Those for whom "survive" would mean - "invent". (14) With a cliff dropping not only future scientists and poets, and generals. (15) Feeble Suvorov and the little Napoleon would fly into the abyss on a common basis. (16) By the way, killing the sick, the Spartans killed incidentally in healthy talent. (17) Nothing stimulates progress, as taking care of the weak. (18) Getting rid of the weak and crippled, the Spartans got rid of progress. (19) 0m famous State other than the memory of the valor, there is nothing left: neither wise poems, no statues or scientific laws. (20) was uninteresting country. (21) We know from the legends that Spartan mothers and wives, were able to give up the love. (22) if they knew how to love - legends are silent on this. (23) The cold was a country. (24) The story of a young hero who was killed lisёnkom said, alas, not only the courage of the boy. (25) This was more brave and a coward. (26) Pain is not afraid of death was not afraid - afraid of public opinion. (27) Of course, any society without public opinion is falling apart. (28) But a society where the public opinion is not against rebel ceases to evolve, rotting and falling apart, too. (29) In Sparta, afraid of public opinion. (LP) was timid country. (31) The Spartans were able to defend itself - but that they had to protect? (32) unloved unloving mothers and wives? (PO) The right to drop off a cliff? (34) Freedom? (35) But the man and the freedom need not in itself but as a means of personal development. (Zbigniew) Where a person does not develop, freedom gradually withers away as useless. (37) How much brighter and richer was the story of Athens, where children are brought up to the whole variety of life! (SG) Of course, the real Sparta was an ordinary, everyday legendary and not so strikingly different from Athens. (39) But this difference was enough to Sparta died, leaving behind nothing but glory and Athens laid the foundation of modern culture. (40) By the way, intense spiritual life, the rapid development of science and art does not interfere with the Athenians to be courageous: it is the struggle of the Greeks led by Athens against Persian invaders. (41) Education of the will and determination - an important task, but not the only one. (42) First of all, the human need to educate humane -inache all his life he will only

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