Александр Залогин

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the bbc started in 1922. in the 1920s and 1930s, it broadcast news music stories and plays. In 1939, the bbc was the first radio station to broadcast English language lessons. ( Начало текста)

Лёха Петров
Лёха Петров

the BBC started in 1922. In the 1920s and 1930s, it broadcast news, music, stories
and plays. In 1939, the BBC was the first radio station to broadcast english language lessons.

In the Second Wolrld War, Winston churchill gave his speeches on the radio.
his most famous was on 18 June 1940,when Britain was the only country at war with Germany:
If we can stand up to hitler, all europe will be free...
If the british empire and commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will say this was their
finest hour.

In the 1940s and 1950s, radio was was the most popular from family entertainment.
millions followed the BBC's stories and radio soaps like the archers (which is still going!).
In the swiming 60s, BBC's Radio 1 played The beatles and the Rolling Stones but more and more people
had TVs in their homes and everybody said that the days of radio were numbered.

however, in the 1970s, the popularity of radio actually increased and the number of stations grew.
the BBC started local radio stations and later, the governmenta allowed commercial radio.
Gradually, radio started to become more popular again. Nowadays, according to a recent
survey, 91% of the population listen regulary for three hours a day and British families have an average
of six radios altogether in their homes or cars!

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