Оля Ли

Напишите краткое сочинение на тему традиции и обычаи Росии на английском языке. Срочно!! ! Небольшое

Миргул Торобаева
Миргул Торобаева

Most of the people in Russia live in the European part of the country. Predominantly urban. The basis of the population of Russia - Russian, mainly the Great Russians. It should be noted that Russia occupies a plurality of small indigenous peoples, of which there are a number to one hundred. The main language of Russia - Russian.
The capital of Russia - Moscow.Russia - a country occupying eastern Europe and northern Asia, inhabited by the Russian people, and by peoples within the political, economic and cultural influence of the Russian people. Russia is located in the Northern Hemisphere, the north of Eurasia. Its territory is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as the Baltic, Black, Azov Seas.
Historically, the territory of Russia is also located on the North American continent, but in the XIX century they were abandoned Russian.
Traditionally Russian territory is divided into the following regions: Great Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia, the Baltic states and the Caucasus.

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