
Do you fall in love?))

Анна Шикова

Скорее нет чем да. Идеализировать уже не склонен. Но люблю и дарю много счастья тем кто меня любит.

Алексей Нелипа

No! İt's not easy for me

Ольга :)
Ольга :)

hah of course


No. Only idiots and stupid romantics do this. Clever people have already comprehended, that love doesn't exist in it's classical interpretation. Love now means a sort of an intimate interaction (I mean, not a sexual intercourse, but just personal relations) by a man and a woman, when the woman usually acts just for her convenience (to have a lot of money, immovable property, a well-paid position in an office). Yeah, sometimes men also do the same. I mean, love has turned into total crap in the mid 1980-s - early 1990s, and that's what we can see in our time. And it's getting worse, worse and worse.The family institution will die out in the next 40-50 years, and I guess, it's still quite an optimistic prognosis. That's it.

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