
Английский. Напишите небольшое сочинение на тему "Какую роль играют книги в моей жизни. "

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Светлана Светик Корнева

I’m fond of reading. Most of all I like adventure novels. My favourite book is “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne. You can find much necessary, useful and valuable information in the book. This novel proved us that human can survive in any conditions. Each character is interesting. Cyrus Smith was well-informed. His mind, purposefulness and patience helped colonists to survive. Thank to their persistence they achieved prosperity on a desert island. They could grow rich harvest of wheat from the only seed, build a mill, increase poultry, handle a monkey and build a boat. After the example of Ayrton we see that any criminal can reform. In the novel Jules Verne wanted to prove that people are strong if they are united. вот 1 сочинение

I’m fond of reading. Books take an important place in my life. I was taught to like and take care of books from the childhood. I find out much new, useful and interesting information from books. They teach me to take right decisions and apprehend school subjects better. I can find an answer to any interesting question in books. I get knowledge from them. I like to read books about the Middle Ages and also I like historical and fantastic works. I plunge into another world at once. Also I like scientific stories about animals and plants. The book is a medicine for soul. When I finish reading of a good book I always feel upset because of its fast end. One famous writer said that books are our friends. I completely agree with him. It seems to me that books take an important place in our life and they are necessary for everybody. вот второе

I like to read a lot of books. In my collection I have books of different genres. I have some books of Harry Potter some books of Pushkin or Lermontov. But My favorite is Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows. I read a lot of books of Harry and Deathly Hallows is most interesting. It's the lasy book of anthology of Harry Potter. Plot in this book is very interesting. Harrry and his friends have final fight with Lord Voldemort and they win this battle. And defended Hogvards. Dumbldor become dead. And book anded with phrase "he scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well" вот третье.

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