Алексей Муравьёв

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Liza,how do you like Moscow?
Oh it s beautiful.It is not like London at all.
Really?It is so Different from London?
Yes,it is.Oleg,have you ever been to London?
No.What is it like?
Oh,it s one of the most famous and interesting cities in Europe.There are lits of places to visit in London:museums,at galeries,theatres...
There are also lots of cinemas,stadiums and parks in London,arent there?
Yes,sure.London is one of my favourite cities.As you probably know its the capital of the UK.It s a mixture of old and new building and there is a lot to see and learn about.
I can see that you really like it,dont you? Are you a Londoner?
No,I am not.But I live not far from London.And I like to go there at weekends.
I would like to meet a real Londoner!
You will do soon!Take those letters from your English partners and give them to your friends.
Oh.You have letters for us!Look!Not only letters but postcards too.Its really good to learn a little more about London.ILL give them to my classmates as soon as possible.

Танечка Волошко

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