Елена Величко

Помогите пожалуйста!!!Заранее благодарен


Present Simple:
He is a doctor.
I have a pet.
We live in Moscow.
I drink coffee in the morning.
My friend adores chocolate.
Past Simple.
We finished our work at 9 o'clock.
She won a prize.
His father bought an automobile 3 days ago.
Yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends.
We wrote a test last Monday.
Present Progressive.
She is cooking at the moment.
They are playing tennis now.
He is watching TV.
His daughter is doing her homework at the moment.
Our family are having dinner now.
Past Progressive
I was playing computer games the whole evening yesterday.
It was raining hard all night long.
She was learning a poem all day long.
From 5 to 6 I was walking with my dog.
She was driving her car and talking on the phone.
Present Perfect.
I have never been in France.
I have seen this film already.
I haven't try this food yet.
She hasn't begun yet.
We have just finished our presentation.
Past Perfect.
He didn't tell us that he had taken the money.
I knew that she had gone to the party with her sister.
They knew that he had already lived there for five years.
He had finished his work by five o'clock and went home.
The boy was in a bad mood, because he had failed the exam.



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