Леночка Великанова
Леночка Великанова

Помогите разгадать слова. Описания в пояснении) Help me))

1. funny and amusing
2. handsome and pleasant to look at
3. someone who has a natural ability to do something well
4. someone who has a lot of money
5. someone who has achieved what he/she wanted
6. large or important

Алексей Королёв

1 Hilarious 2 Attractive3 Talented4 Rich5 Successful6 Significant


1. funny and amusing kittens (котята)
2. handsome and pleasant to look at
beautiful thing
pretty thing
nice thing (красивая вещь)
3. someone who has a natural ability to do something well student of beautiful handwriting (студент с красивым почерком)
4. someone who has a lot of money the rich man, the businessman, the oligarch
5. someone who has achieved what he/she wanted movie star or celebrity ( кинозвезда или знаменитость)
6. large or important the rich man, the businessman, the oligarch



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