Андрей Николаевич

Where i can get more practise of English?

I live in Russia and i talk with Russian people every day, but i want to speak English. I just learn English. How i can train it?
P.S. If you see mistakes in my sentences, tell me about their.

English only, please.

I don't use translators. 😉


You should pack your luggage and fly to UK...


How can I ...
... tell me about them.

Улан Чыйбылов
Улан Чыйбылов

Во-во! Чемодан, вокзал, Лас-Вегас! Suitcase, station, Shepetovka! Verstehen, мучачо?

Оля Вершинина

Watch TV in english, read books in english and you will see results)) but do it regularly!

P.S. In your question "how i can train it?". English people say "how can i train it?")))

Татьяна Звозскова

If you came to Russia to practice your poor English, then it wasn't a wise decision. Я это к тому говорю, что нех тут выёживаться.

опять ответы сломались.. . аватарки стали поголовно заменяться на буквы...

Максим Керкин

побольше задавай здесь идиотских вопросов и всё получится

Алексей Смирнов

есть сайт майлэнгвичиксчендж точка ком. Там можно найти корреспондента по переписке, а, возможно, и собеседника.

Настя **

No problem, here you are:
You should say "talk to someone", not "talk with"

There already were some answers about "can" and "them" besides, you cannot 'train" English (as you can only train someone or yourself). You should use 'practice' or 'improve'.

The best thing for you would be watching films with subtitles, reading adapted books, working on your vocabulary etc.

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