Галина Мухамметова

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Six Robinsons and Their Guitar
Nobody lives on the little island of Ata, in the warm South Sea, where it is summer all year round. Everybody knows that ships don t stop at Ata, but once "The Mary jane" suddenly changed her course and went towards the island. Some people on the ship had noticed a number of small figures on a hill not far from the sea coast. They were shouting and jumping up and down. When the ship came nearer, the small figures ran down the hill and into the water to meet the ship. There were six of them, all boys. They swam to the ship, climbed up and were soon telling their strange story.
Fifteen montils before, they had gone out fishing. Their little boat had gone down during a terrible storm, and the sea had carried them a lot of kilometres to this little island.
The boys had arranged their life very well: each boy had his own duties. Their food was birds, birds' eggs, fruit, fish, whatever they couid find on the ground, in the air and in the water. The Robinson Crusoes had even made a kind of guitar: they danced and sang songs that they had
made up themselves. They explained that they bad enjoyed their fine life on the island, but they were glad to be saved, and were happy to return home to their own country.

Алла Пылаева
Алла Пылаева

Six Robinsons, Guitar, island of Ata, storm

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