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HearEvil had the opportunity to speak with Tarja Turunen, who after parting ways with Nightwish in 2005, has embarked on a very successful solo career and we caught up with her about her new album, her recent tour and what the future holds for this talented artist.

Thank you Tarja for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk about all that’s going on with you for HearEvil.com the heavy music social network run by women and directed toward women.

Recently it was announced that you were working on a new album to be released in 2013. Any details you can share about the new album?

TT: I am working on the production of the album and we have been recording drums, guitars, bass and keyboards already. The production will take until May next year and if everything goes fine the release is planned for August/September. The elements on the album will remain pretty much the same as in my previous albums although there is always something new that I want to surprise my listeners with. The diversity between songs will be as important as before, so some songs have heavy guitars on them, the others only orchestra.

You just recently released your new live album/DVD Tarja – Act 1 which has been rapidly climbing the charts. For those who have not yet picked up Act 1 what goodies can fans expect from the CD/DVD?

TT: As a first live release, ACT I is very important to me. I have put a lot of effort and love to it and I really like how it turned out. It is also very important to me to be able to show people that haven’t so far been in my shows what my music is about and for those that wants to revisit the experience. Everything is pure live and nothing has been recorded nor overdubbed afterwards, so ACT I is a very honest product from us. It’s been recorded and filmed in a very beautiful opera theatre in Rosario, Argentina and the place looks stunning.

The live DVD/CD is a double CD package and has lots of songs from both of my albums, two new songs and some fun covers. There is an interview with me and the musicians, a video clip from the song “Into the Sun” and two photo galleries with photos that fans took and sent to me and another one from our archives.


Тарья рассказывает про планы 🙂

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