Серега Шугаев

Англичане, помогите правильно перевести данное письмо)


На будущее копируй в любой он лайн переводчик (с русского очень точно переводит), а то так можно и отправить письмо "Дорогому х . ру" ))))))))))


Request to the host

Dear Sir, I want to express my admiration to your lovely hotel. I come to your city for the first time and I was struck by the beauty and grandeur of your hotel. Once inside I pochuvstvuval a warm and pleasant atmosphere. At the reception I was pleasantly served, employee rosskazala me the history of the city, the architectural landmarks, places of interest and the date of the founding of this hotel.
My number I liked. It was well decorated, bright and beautifully decorated. I perfectly otdyhnul in your city, but circumstances have forced me service rushed back home. I was late for the plane and when he came into the cabin, I realized that I forgot my little bag in the hotel. In the bag was left a very important paper, I need to work.
please tell me how can I get my bag? I need to go to you or you can somehow get her?


Request to the host

Dear Sir, I want to express my admiration to your lovely hotel. I came to your city for the first time and I was estonished by the beauty and greatness of your hotel. Once inside I felts a warm and pleasant atmosphere. At the reception I was pleasantly served, employee told me the history of the city, the architectural landmarks, places of interest and the date when this hotel was founded.
My liked my room very much. It was well tided, bright and beautifully decorated. I had a perfect rest in your city, but business circumstances made me go back home urgently. I was late for the plane and when I came into the cabin, I realized that I forgot my little bag in the hotel. In the bag there were very important papers, I need for the work.
Please, tell me how can I get my bag? Do I need to go to you or you can somehow get it?

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