Алексей Брусов

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It is often said that the role of the family is less important today. But I do not think so because to my mind many young people also belive that nowadays the family is the best thing for everyone . To begin with , teenagers today are very different from when our parents were and in some ways they have more freedom today. But in other in other ways life is more complicated and difficult. However on the other hand it is undeniable that parents put on teenagers a lot of presure . They have to learn well at school , to get good jobs and must look good . No one understands that a young persons sometimes need a loving family . Some people belive that friends have a greater influence on young people than a family . One can not deny that friends do play an important role in life and they can have good or bad influence on the teenager , but they also often have problems of their own and can betray you. Furthermore one should not forget that TV and Internet also can influence on them . To sum up ,in the past the family was more important in society than now . But we can not say that the family is much less important today . It does not matter how many years passed , the family is most important and wonderful for every younger person . As the family is the people who can be always relied on , with whom you can find peace and support.


1)Says а не said
2)In the life
Да ничего так то) Но как-то есть пару момент где масло масляное, но в целом ничего)


Отправь мне дружбу пожалуйста, у меня не получается тебе отправить эссе. Я отправлю в сообщении. Поверь мне это не спам) Я просто хочу помочь)

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