Сергей Артемьев
Сергей Артемьев

помогите написать транскрипцию русскими словами!) Psychic spies from ChinaTry to steal your mind's elationLittle girls from SwedenDream of silver screen quotationsAnd if you want these kind of dreamsIt's CalifornicationIt's the edge of the worldAnd all of western civilizationThe sun may rise in the EastAt least it settles in the final locationIt's understood that Hollywoodsells CalifornicationPay your surgeon very wellTo break the spell of agingCelebrity skin is this your chinOr is that war your waging[Chorus:]First born unicornHard core soft pornDream of CalifornicationDream of CalifornicationMarry me girl be my fairy to the worldBe my very own constellationA teenage bride with a baby insideGetting high on informationAnd buy me a star on the boulevardIt's CalifornicationSpace may be the final frontierBut it's made in a Hollywood basementCobain can you hear the spheresSinging songs off station to stationAnd Alderon's not far awayIt's CalifornicationBorn and raised by those who praiseControl of populationEverybody's been thereAnd I don't mean on vacation[Chorus:]First born unicornHard core soft pornDream of CalifornicationDream of CalifornicationDestruction leads to a very rough roadBut it also breeds creationAnd earthquakes are to a girl's guitarThey're just another good vibrationAnd tidal waves couldn't save the worldFrom CalifornicationPay your surgeon very wellTo break the spell of agingSicker than the restThere is no testBut this is what you're craving[Chorus:]First born unicornHard core soft pornDream of CalifornicationDream of Californication


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