Екатерина Сёмина

Назовите штаты Америки по описанию

1.This state is nestled between the misty Appalachian hollows to the east, where the wolves once again roam.
2. The documented history of European settlement in this state begins in the early 17th century, when British and French explorers tried to secure beachheads along the shore.
3.Of all the 50 states, perhaps this state summons the clearest set of images: an Arcadian pasture dotted with cows, a white-steepled church and the fiery hues of autumnal foliage. Although it is close to the great metropolitan corridor of the eastern seaboard, geographically has had its say in the stubborn survival of the state’s rural character.
4.This state was settled from two directions – first from the sea and, beginning in the 1730s, by way of the Great Wagon Road.
5.Lying at the exact geographic heart of North America, this state is the same distance from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Arctic Sea.
Может, кто-нибудь сможет отгадать, помогите, пожалуйста!

Дмитрий Басков

2- аризона
5 кетуки

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