Английский. Составил топик, исправьте, пожалуйста, все ошибки...
One day, I was woken up by phone call and I realized I've overslept for work.
I picked up the phone and heard "why you haven't turned up to work" and at that moment I realized that it was the supervisor.
He said, I am responsible for providing power, which is missing.
I immediately went to work.
When I came I saw that the host computer had frozen.
First I tried to reboot it but it didn't help, then I tried to restore the system but it also didn't help.
I started to panic.
After a few minutes I remembered the station has emergency switch and I immediatly used it.
Сomputer began to work again.
I tried to find the cause of this fault and I did it.
The cause was the burst in a mechanism in which were not lubricated bearings.
I thought to call to help desk but I tried to fix it myself and I fix.
Supervisor told me to work overtime because of my missteps.