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Николай Терехов
Николай Терехов

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1st expedition

The first expedition of Christopher Columbus (1492-1493) in the 91 people on board the "Santa Maria", "pint", "Nina" came from Palos August 3, 1492, from the Canary Islands turned to the West (September 9), crossed the Atlantic Ocean in subtropical zone and reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas archipelago, where Christopher Columbus landed on October 12, 1492 (the official date of the discovery of America.) October 14-24 Christopher Columbus visited several other Bahamian islands, and October 28 to December 5 opened and inspected area northeast coast of Cuba. December 6 Columbus reached about. Haiti and moved along its northern coast. On the night of December 25, the flagship of the "Santa Maria" sat on the reef, but the people escaped. Columbus on the ship "Nina" 4-16 January 1493 completed the survey of the northern coast of Haiti on March 15, returned to Castile.

[Edit] 2nd expedition

2nd Expedition (1493-1496), which was headed by Christopher Columbus in the rank of admiral and vice-king of the newly discovered lands, consisted of 17 ships with a crew of more than 1.5 thousand people. November 3, 1493 Columbus discovered the island of Dominica and Guadeloupe, turning to the North-West - about 20 of the Lesser Antilles, including Antigua and the Virgin, and on November 19 - the island of Puerto Rico and came to the north coast of Haiti. 12-29 March 1494 in search of gold, Columbus made an aggressive campaign inside Haiti, and crossed the Cordillera Central mountain range. April 29-May 3, Columbus 3 ships passed along the southeastern coast of Cuba, turned from Cape Cruz to the South and opened on May 5. Jamaica. Returning to Cape May 15 Cruz, Columbus passed along the southern coast of Cuba to 84 ° west longitude, discovered archipelago Jardines de la Reina, Zapata Peninsula and Isle of Pines. June 24 Christopher Columbus turned east and examined 19 August-15 September the entire southern coast of Haiti. In 1495, Christopher Columbus continued conquest of Haiti, March 10, 1496 and left the island on June 11 returned to Castile.

[Edit] 3rd expedition

Third expedition (1498-1500) consisted of six ships, three of which he took Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic Ocean near 10 ° north latitude. July 31, 1498, he discovered the island of Trinidad, came from the south in the Gulf of Paria, discovered the mouth of the western branch of the delta of the Orinoco River and Paria Peninsula, beginning the discovery of the Americas. Coming then to the Caribbean, Christopher Columbus came to the peninsula of Araya, opened August 15 Margarita Island and on August 31 arrived in the city of Santo Domingo (on Haiti). In 1500, Christopher Columbus was on a tip arrested and sent to Castile, where he was released.

[Edit] 4th expedition

4th Expedition (1502-1504). Obtain permission to continue the search of a western route to India, Columbus 4 courts reached June 15, 1502 Martinique, July 30 - Gulf of Honduras and is open from August 1, 1502 to May 1, 1503 the Caribbean coast of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama to the Gulf of Urabá. Turning then to the North, June 25, 1503 was wrecked off the island of Jamaica, and help from Santo Domingo came only a year later. In Castile, Christopher Columbus returned to November 7, 1504.

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