Сергей Артамонов

Помогите с англ языком вставить do, does, -.И объяснить почему

Нужно вставить пропущеное слово does, do или нечего то бишь '-'
Where _ your parents spend their vacation?
What _ your father do in his spare time?
When _ your father go to work?
Why _ they learn poems by heart?
Why_ your sister go shopping on Saturday ?
Who_ you always walk your dog with?
Who_ his like to play chess witch?
Who_knows the way out?
What time_ your sister come back home?
How often _ you go swimming?
How often_ Dan come to the club?
Whose parents_ want to help us?
Which of your sister _ live in the country?
Which letter _ come after 'I'?


Where do_ your parents spend their vacation?
What does_ your father do in his spare time?
When does_ your father go to work?
Why do_ they learn poems by heart?
Why does_ your sister go shopping on Saturday ?
Who always walks your dog with?
Whom does he like to play chess witch?
Who knows the way out?
What time does_ your sister come back home?
How often do_ you go swimming?
How often does_ Dan come to the club?
Which of your sister lives in the country?
Which letter coms after 'I'?

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