Евгений Немчанинов

проверьте ошибки ( англ яз)

I always keen on designing new technologies .And I also want to connect my future with the science .Since childhood I have been wanting to have my own servant .That's why it is a good idea to realize my dream. I wish to create the robot which will have a lot of the useful skills. Firstly, it should express the emotions and be a friend for it's owner. The machine should also help in cleaning, ironing, paying bills and other minor works. I would call him 'Jackie'. In honor of my favorite dog which lost last year and left only the good memories .Robot "Jakie" should be a good invention, the perfect assistant and even the member of the family. The only that we should do - turn our desires in a reality.

Руслан Янгибаев

always keen on designing new technologies .And I also want to connect my future with the science .Since childhood I have been wanting to have my own servant .That's why it is a good idea to realize my dream. I wish to create the robot which will have a lot of the useful skills. Firstly, it should express the emotions and be a friend for it's owner. The machine should also help in cleaning, ironing, paying bills and other minor works. I would call him 'Jackie'. In honor of my favorite dog which lost last year and left only the good memories .Robot "Jakie" should be a good invention, the perfect assistant and even the member of the family. The only that we should do is turn our desires in a reality.


I always keen on new technologies. I also want to connect my future with science. I wanted to have my own servant since childhood .That's why it is a good idea to fulfill my dream. I wish to create a robot which will have a lot of useful skills. Firstly, it should express emotions and be a friend of it's owner. The machine should also help in cleaning, ironing, paying bills and doing other minor works. I would call him Jackie in honor of my favorite dog which have got lost a year ago, but left only good memories about him. Jackie Robot should be a good invention, the perfect assistant and even a member of the family. The only thing that we should do - is turn our desires into reality.

Пожалуйста, исправил, что нашёл.
Уделите ваше внимание артиклям, вы их пока-что очень неуверенно применяете, особенно много у вас ненужных the.

Желаю удачи в изучении английского языка! 🙂

P.S. Я ещё раз вычитал текст, это уже окончательный вариант моего ответа.

Про пол собаки: в Великобритании очень серьёзно относятся к полу животного, и говорят о нём не иначе как he/she

In the UK we are very pedantic about giving our pets the correct gender when speaking of, or writing about, them.

If I meet a person walking a dog and stop to say 'Hello', it is a must to ask the owner whether the dog is male or female. Then you can say, "Isn't he/she beautiful!" and proceed to pet the dog and say, "What a beautiful girl you are," or "Aren't you a handsome boy?"

If someone sees a dog and mistakenly says, "Isn't he handsome?", the owner will quickly tell you, "She's a girl!"

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