Катюшка Гребенникова

Английский. Косвенная речь.

Предложения из упражнения, которые преподаватель перевёл в косвенную речь:


1. father: don't forget to write a letter.

2. nick: you may ride my bike.

3. mary: the weather is beautiful today.

4. mr ford: you will have much work tomorrow.

5. jane: i lostmy keys and i don't know what to do.

6. mrs hillary: i'd like to teii you one interesting thing.

7. postman: there are no letters for you today.

8. teacher: who is on duty today?

9. salesgirl: i would recommend you these fresh cakes.

10. taxi driver: your hotel is not far from here.

11. teacher: stop talking.

12. policeman: don't move.

13. friend: help me please.

14. ann: don't go there!





3)Mary said the weather is beautiful today.

4)Mr.Ford reminds me that I will have much work tomorrow.

5)Jane: said she hed lost her keys and she doesn`t know what to do.

6)Mrs. hillary said she did like to tell me one interesting thing.

7)Postman said that there were no letters for me thet day.

8)Feacher asked who was on duty that day.

9)Salesgirl offered me to take these fresh cakes.

10)Taxi driver said that my hotel was not for from here.





Незнаю как правильно другие предложения составить. Эти точно правильные, т. к. преподаватель проверила.


fuck english language

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