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Probiotics are live microorganisms thought to be healthy for the host organism. Probiotics are live microorganisms similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gastrointestinal tract. They are also called friendly flora (bacteria), and are available in the form of dairy products - yogurt, buttermilk and acidophilus; and fermented vegetables, which are both made with cabbage.
It is not known how these microorganisms work exactly, but there needs to be a balance of beneficial as well as harmful bacteria that live in the intestines, or health issues are more likely to arise. It is believed that the beneficial bacteria either replace or simply crowd the harmful out as their colonies pass through the system. However it happens, there are hundreds of different types of friendly flora that help in the endeavour to keep us healthy.
Researchers are now studying their use as a means to boost the immune system, as well as furthering the research on promoting a healthy digestive system. By eating foods with probiotics, we are able to increase the number of healthy bacteria in the system, which is particularly helpful during bouts of diarrhoea, especially those brought on by antibiotics. Vaginal infections in women are also greatly helped, along with urinary tract infections and infections in the digestive tract.
Probiotics also aid in the absorption of minerals and other nutrients, the synthesis of vitamins, as well as building up a natural defence barrier against dietary carcinogens, antigens and toxins of all types. Just by keeping things in balance barrier, there is a general feeling of wellbeing; helping in the prevention and control of such conditions as IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), colon cancer and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) are added benefits.
Live probiotic cultures are available in fermented dairy products and probiotic fortified foods. However, tablets, capsules, powders and sachets containing the bacteria in freeze dried form are also available.
In some specific situations (such as critically ill patients) they could be harmful. Recent studies indicate that probiotic products such as yogurts could be a cause for obesity trends. However, this is contested as the link to obesity and other health related issue with yogurt may link to its dairy attributes. Some experts are sceptical on the efficacy of many strains and believe not all subjects will benefit from the use of probiotics. A criticism of probiotic supplements is the cost and value of probiotics products.

Сархан Ализаде

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Алина Грачева

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