Garlic planted in late September - early October. Time should be adjusted so that the stable before the winter cold had about six weeks. Then garlic good time to take root, but do not germinate until the first snow.
Winter Garlic prefers sandy soil. The beds are prepared for it in advance, a week and a half before landing. The soil was dug to a depth of 25 cm, carefully remove the weeds, make 5-6 kg of humus (but not fresh manure!), 30 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. km. m A day or two before planting add ammonium nitrate at the rate of 10-12 g per 1 square. m dry soil watered.
Before planting a few cloves to "undress" and look all teeth with signs of rot, mold, numerous yellow spots (Blight) suitable for planting. Garlic must be well dried, dampish quickly be touched in growth.
To prevent the garlic from disease, it can be soaked for 2-3 hours in a warm solution of potassium permanganate pink. More effective disinfection: 3 minutes in a solution of salt (1 tbsp. L. 2 liters of water), then 3 minutes in a solution of copper sulphate (1 tsp. 2 liters of water).
Selected for planting the largest teeth of the largest bulbs. Analysis is carried out directly before planting - or bottom teeth, which formed the roots dry up. Old mother collum should be removed, as it will act as stoppers.
Rows on a bed of well-aligned placed at a distance of 20-25 cm, leaving 10-12 cm between plants can be planted in furrows. The main thing - do not dent teeth in the ground, it will delay the growth of roots. In addition, the compacted soil can then push out the garlic to the surface, and it will freeze. But the land should not be too loose (it must be lightly compacted board), because then your teeth can "drown" and smaller bulbs are obtained, will be poorly stored.
Planting depth depends on the soil type and the size of the cloves. From its head to the surface of the soil should be 3-4 cm too small landing face freezing. Planting to zamulchirovat layer of peat, compost or sawdust 2-5 cm thick, lay wood for retention of snow in the beds. Spring mulch is removed, the plants do not podpreli.