Серебряков Илья

Письмо о помощи на трансфер денег от Афганистанца в армии США

Пришло вот такое письмо:

Hello Oleg,

I contact you in response to your message at Slando, I contacted you primarily in confidence hoping that you can be a trustworthy person and would also be helpful in a matter like this. because i have been deployed to Belarus.

My name is SSG. Amato Hector I am a member of the Red Cross Organization Afghanistan. I am presently serving in the 1st Infantry Division Military, I am responsible for providing top security network and guideline to foreign oil companies in Afghanistan. I have been deployed to work with the Voluntary Society of Assistance to the Army, the Air Force and the Navy of the Soviet Republic of Ukraine.

During my 6 years stay here in Afghanistan, i was able to make the sum of $3.8 Million USD. However, due to my present staff commitment and code of conduct in the US military service (pentagon) Which makes it impossible for me to transfer the money into my account. This is the reason I ask for your hand in partnership. I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service. I just need your acceptance and all is done.

The only way to be safe with this money is to invest it there in Ukraine considering the fact that i will be there for some time. So i need someone i could deal with If you accept, i will transfer the money to Ukraine where you will be the beneficiary.

You can also send me a confirmation email so that we can move forward with this deal and discuss the percentage that you will be entitled to out of the whole amount.

Please indicate your interest and I will give you more details concerning this transaction, i attached a scanned copy of my photo.


Скажите, это уже популярный развод?) ) И если да, то чего ожидать в итоге, в чем подвох?



1% получает от военных действий в us marine за хот пойнт

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