Павел Усачев

Этимология слов английского языка (помогите определить заимствования и исправить ошибки)

Traditional- a hybrid : from Old French tradiction ;from Latin tradition(n) +al ((From Latin -ālis, or French, from French -aille)

Ecclesiastical- a hybrid;1530s, from ecclesiastic (from Middle French ecclésiastique and directly from Late Latin ecclesiasticus )+al (From Latin -ālis, or French, from French -aille)

English- a native word .,Englisc OE

Backward- a native word, from earlier abackward ME

*Speech-OE spec, West Germanic origin ,

To call (v) 1520 - a native word, OE clipian, 13c., IE origin

To suggest- early 16th century,from Latin suggestus

To give- OE giefan (West Saxon), Germanic origin geben

To drive- OE drifan, Germanic origin treiben, from Proto-Germanic driban,from PIE root *dhreibh .Common IE layer

Interior-late 15th c; from Latin ‘inner’ (LME)

Anglo-Saxon chronicle

History - from Old French estoire, estorie, 14c. (LME)

Language-ME, from Old French langage, based on Latin (EME)

Coast-ME, from Old French coste, from Latin costa (EME)

Custom-ME, from Old French coustume, based on Latin consuetudeo (EME)

To enlist-mid 16th c ??

To accept –late Middle English :from Old French accepter; from Latin accipere ;ad+capere (LME)

To kill- Middle English, Germanic origin Old English cwellan ??


Whatever-mid 14th c ME :what O.E. hwæt, from P.G; from PIE qwod +ever O.E. æfre, from P.Gmc. *aiwo, from PIE *aiw (Common IE layer)

Роман ....ov

Могу помочь только насчет 2 слов:
1. The word 'ouse' is a very common name for rivers in England; it derives from the Celtic word 'Usa', from *udso-, which simply means 'water'. 'River Ouse' therefore means 'River Water', etymologically.
2. Ecclesiastical - я вообще-то думаю что это от Экклезиаста:
The title Ecclesiastes is a Latin transliteration of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Koheleth (meaning "Gatherer", but traditionally translated as "Teacher" or "Preacher"[1]), the eponymous author of the book.

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