Андрей Щипилов

монолог на английском языке про плюсы и минусы роботов


1 Робот не может причинить вред человеку или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы человеку был причинён вред.
2 Робот должен повиноваться всем приказам, которые даёт человек, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому Закону.
3 Робот должен заботиться о своей безопасности в той мере, в которой это не противоречит Первому и Второму Законам.

Аленка Ефимова

Today robots make the following kind of jobs:

Boring and monotonous jobs: Welding and painting in productions lines, cleaning houses and offices.

Dangerous jobs: cleaning radioactive waste or manipulating explosive material, military applications.

Jobs which require a superhuman speed and accuracy (in order to make it inexpensive): Assembly of electronic devices like cell phones and computers.

Jobs in inaccessible places : exploring another planet or the bottom of sea.

For entertainment, research and education: Toy robots, many universities use robotics to teach a lot of aspects of science, hobby robotics is very popular today.

The main improving in our lives due to robotics today is that it has allowed to decrease the cost of production of many ubiquitous items like computers and cell phones making them accessible for many more people.

They have started to be ubiquitous, there are around 800,000 industrial robots in the world (mostly of them in Japan, Germany and North America), and you can count millions of robot kits for entertainment and education.

The most important reason to use robots today is that Robotics is a newborn baby, and the important point is not what does for us today but what COULD do for us in the future, which is unlimited.

The disadvantages are it is difficult to imagine every task that a human performs and make a program and circuit to mimic that task. Human motion and also the ability to adapt to changing circumstances are what make humans unique. Humans can adapt if the parts bin is empty or a part is askew in the crate and can see if another part is defective looking etc.

The advantanges are they can save our nation. No chinese, vietnamese, or indonesian can outwork a robot. They work 24 hours a day for the price of electricity and capital cost payments with no holidays, breaks, holidays, vacations, depression and emotional problem, no demand on human resources and benefits, no 401k, no theft, no theft, no theft, no theft, no theft (biggest loss to most companies outside of labor). Robots are precise, much faster than humans, make very few mistakes and quality control can be programmed right into the robot.

If this country could robotitize even more manufacturing processes and make those robots at a very fair price, we could get a great majority of those lost manufacturing jobs back here. No country can outperform a robot. If we were the best robot makers in the world, we could corner the market!
You still need people to watch the machines, to maintain them, to program them, to watch order processing and of course design the machines. But the point is all these jobs are gone now, if we could get 30% of them back we would be doing real well
From Management's Perspective: The advantage of a robot is that it reduces the manpower requiements for a particular task.

From Labor's Perspective: The disadvantage of a robot is that it reduces the manpower requiements for a particular task.

1) Going to far away planets
2) Spying on people in ways people can't move and from views humans can't reach
3) Going far down into the unknown waters where humans would be crushed
4) Giving us information that humans can't get
5) Working at places 24/7 without any salary and food. Plus they don't get bored
6) They can perform tasks faster than humans and much more consistently and accurately
7) They can capture moments just too fast for the human eye to get, for example the Atlas detector in the LHC project can capture ~ 600000 frames per second while we can see at about 60
😎 Most of them are automatic so they can go around by themselves without any human interference
9) They can entertain us and help us in certain tasks

1) People can lose jobs in factories
2) It needs a supply of power
3) It needs maintenance to keep it running
4) It costs money to make or buy a robot

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